Motorcycle Accidents Occur Almost Weekly in Summertime Pittsburgh

In the summer months, motorcycle accidents occur almost weekly in the Pittsburgh area. In August, a 19-year-old man was killed in an accident in Bethel Park, and the week before another motorcycle accident victim had to be airlifted to the hospital after a crash. A couple of weeks prior to that, a 32-year-old man was killed from Upper Hill, and the list of accidents goes on. Despite the large number of motorcycles in the Pittsburgh area, drivers of larger vehicles continuously fail to look out for motorcycles on the road, and as a result many people are injured and killed every year on Pennsylvania roadways.

At Disney Law, our firm is prepared to zealously advocate for your needs after a motorcycle accident. Call or text Robert Disney at 412-999-5765 or contact us at Disney Law today to schedule a free consultation of your case.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycle accident injuries are often much more serious and require more extensive care than injuries sustained by the driver and passengers in larger, covered vehicles. This is because a car or truck provides protection with its metal frame and other safety features that a motorcycle does not possess. As a result, the driver and passenger on a motorcycle take the brunt of the impact in a crash, even when wearing the proper safety equipment. Some of the most common injuries seen in motorcycle accidents include the following:

  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Facial trauma
  • Road rash and lacerations
  • Neck injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Broken bones
  • Crushing injuries
  • Amputation injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Paralysis
  • Death

Many of these injuries require lengthy hospitalization, surgeries, follow up medical treatment, and long-term rehabilitation plans. Some injuries even result in permanent damage and disability for victims that impact them daily for the rest of their lives. 

Compensation for Motorcycle Accidents

Because the injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident can be so significant, it is critical that victims receive full compensation for the harm caused by a crash. Compensation for motorcycle injuries includes payment for economic and noneconomic injuries. Economic injuries include all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the crash, including current and future medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and the loss of future income and benefits. Noneconomic damage provides compensation for the victim’s pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability, disfigurement, and for the loss of enjoyment of life. 

In fatal motorcycle accidents, the family of the victim in Pennsylvania can also seek compensation for wrongful death. Damages for wrongful death include the economic costs of the victim’s final medical bills, funeral costs, and burial expenses. Wrongful death damages also compensate for any pain and suffering of the victim as well as for the loss of the deceased’s love, guidance, companionship, and support. 

However, it is important to note that like with other personal injury accident claims, the courts in Pennsylvania utilize a modified comparative fault rule to determine the final compensation in a motorcycle accident case. The judge in the case determines the degree of fault for each party involved and reduces the overall award by that percentage. However, if a party is found to be more than 50% liable for the accident, they are barred from recovering any compensation for their damages. This is why it is critical that you always speak with a personal injury attorney first before talking to anyone else about an accident.

Insurance Companies are Not Your Advocate

Insurance companies and their adjusters are not your advocate after a motorcycle accident, even those from your own insurer. The main goal of the insurance companies is to settle your claim as quickly as possible for as little as possible. It is commonplace for an insurer to request a statement about the accident within hours or days of the crash, hoping that you have not had the time to speak with a lawyer and accidentally make a statement that runs contrary to your own best interests. 

Another common tactic is to make an immediate settlement offer right after the accident. A victim may think that it seems like a reasonable offer, but in truth it is often a mere fraction of what the victim is truly owed for their injuries. This can also come back to hurt victims of motorcycle accidents when they accept a smaller settlement early, and later on they do not have the funds to cover their expenses. An experienced personal injury attorney can protect motorcycle accident victims from the predatory tactics of insurers after a crash.

How an Experienced Motorcycle Attorney can Help

When you hire a motorcycle accident attorney to handle your case, your lawyer serves as a shield between you and the insurers. All communication, requests for statements, and settlement offers must be sent to your attorney. Your lawyer can be present to protect your interests when making a statement to the insurance adjuster and ensure that you do not receive anything less than the full and fair value of your claim.

A lawyer can also investigate the accident and defend against any accusations of fault. As a determination of fault can decrease or even eliminate your compensation, this is one of the most important roles of an attorney in your case. If the insurer refuses to settle for a fair amount, your lawyer can take the case to trial. An experienced attorney knows how to make the most persuasive arguments for your claims and convince a judge and jury that you are entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Call or Contact Our Office Today

After a serious motorcycle accident, the last thing that you and your loved ones want to think about is the complex legal process required to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Let the dedicated and experienced firm of Disney Law shoulder the burden of your legal claims so that you can focus on what is most important – your recovery. Call or text Robert Disney at 412-999-5765 or contact us at Disney Law today to schedule a free consultation of your case.